Help us reach $180,000 before December 31, 2023!

As the world's foremost center for the study and practice of expanded consciousness, the Monroe Institute is embarking on an ambitious journey to provide a direct experience of expanded awareness to 1% of the world's population by 2032— that's 80 million individuals. Our goal is to create a transformative path towards self-discovery and contribute to a global awakening of human consciousness.

We are working toward the vision of a world based on cooperation and compassion, will you join us?

We need your help. As a 501c3 non-profit organization, the Monroe Institute must raise $180,000 by the end of 2023. This support will help us bridge our annual funding gap as we strive toward our goal. 

Please take a moment to hear from the Monroe Institute’s CEO, Allyn Evans:

Your donations will enable us to continue bringing transformative programming to the world, as outlined below in our 2022-2023 Impact Report. Please consider giving today. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of millions.

2022-23 Impact Report Cover

Thank you for your support!